UnrealEngine1.x games API support table

if it's an empty spot, it'll be filled.
8-1998Klingon Honor GuardYesYesYesNoPatchNo
11-1998TNN Outdoor Pro HunterYesYesYesYesNo
11-1999Nerf Arena BlastYesYesNeed KernelExYesYesYes
11-1999Unreal TournamentYesYesNeed KernelExYesYesYes
1999Jazz Jackrabbit 3D 
1999Wheel of TimeYesYesNeed KernelExYesYesYes
1999Unreal GoldYesYesNoYesYesYes
1999Dr. Brain Action Reaction
2000Hired Guns 2
2000RuneYesYesNeed KernelExYesYes?
2000Star Trek DS9 The FallenYesYesNoYesYesYes
2000Deus ExYesYesNeed KernelEx*YesYesYes
2001Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
2001Clive Barker's UndyingYesYesYes
2001X-COM EnforcerYesYes
2001Adventure Pinball: Forgotten Island
2001Duke Nukem ForeverNoNoNoNoYesNo
5-2002Mobile ForcesYesNoNoNoYesNo
2002Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
2002Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror
2003Disney's Brother Bear

* - crashes on load game screen

UnrealEngine2.x games API support table

6-2001Unreal II (E3 Build)NoNoNoYesNoNo
10-2001Unreal Tournament 2 (UTX build)NoNoNoYesNoNo
9-2002America's ArmyNoNoYesNoNo
9-2002Unreal Tournament 2003NoNoNoYesNoLinux Only
10-2003Deus Ex Invisible WarNoNoNoPixel Shader 1.4 RequiredNoNo
5-2003Postal 2NoNoNoYesNoLinux Only
2-2004Unreal Tournament 2004YesNoNoYes64-bit onlyYes