Hello guys, I thought Id share my latest progress with the list since ive received quite a few inquiries with what Ive been doing lately. So here's some things to look forward to in the next patch, and also some things planned for further development by me (Note: This lists only my work and does not include anything Kevin may have added): Particles: ------------- -Added Vga/Vgr bitmap support to all particles (optional) - no longer restricted to solid rectangles. These are color-keyed transparent at palette index 0; also may be alpha translucent. Since this involved some re-organization to the core rendering this will need to be tested extensively on all of our video cards. -Added Rate of Decay parameter - determines how fast the particle may die out. -Fixed resizing bug - particles may be larger to accomodate bitmaps. Weapons: -------------- -Added Scaling factor to displayed weapon images - allows for tighter resolution weapons. -Target Crosshair is now a stored/modifiable .Vga image - image is color-keyed transparent at palette index 0 and may be any size. -Bobbing motion can now be independtly set for each weapon - value set in the attributes column in weapons.txt. Player: ---------- -Added surrounding light source from player - set through univ. register; value determines radial brightness (ex: useful for creating lamps or torches). -Added directional light source from player - set through univ. register; value determines focused distance/brightness (ex: useful for creating flashlights). Things being worked on (may or may not be completed in time for next patch): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- -Console script. This will allow for fully customizable display interfaces including inventory boxes, bitmap overlays, text, univ. reg displays, all current console displays (key pickup, weapon box, hitpoint guy, etc...). and anything else you wish to throw up on the screen during game-time. -Weather effects. Running off the particle subsystem this will allow you to create rain or snow in the game. -Day/Night cycle effect. When enabled this will control lighting ambience on a user-specified timer to produce daytime, nighttime cycling. Things also on my list: -------------------------------- -Multi-Layered 3D Sky (this should allow for parallax layer movement and produce some nice effects with the Day/Night cycler.) -3D Modeled Weapons - a definite must, and long overdue. There is undoubtedly more I will be tackling as we move along but this sums up the main things I currently have in the works. For questions or details concerning GCSMenu (i've been told its very near completion) - please contact Kevin at Support@pieskysoft.com. For anything else, such as general engine suggestions or inquiries or complaints, feel free to mail me. Thanks for your support! :-) -John W. ______________________________________________________________________