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New weapons for monsters and the player
Posted Thursday, November 18, 2004 by

Grunts, ogres and other enemies are being given new attacks, including a zapper, e-rifle, nailgun, lasers, hyperblaster, and grenades. Right now things are rather uncoordinated because I'm just testing everything out, but in the future I hope to have well-defined classes of monsters that consistantly appear in the same place each time the level is played (instead of randomly choosing weapons). Monsters will get better and better weapons as the player advances through the game. I also want to enhance their AI to give the different types of each monsters different behaviors, depending on their weapons, personality, and situation.

The way I'm setting it up, any monster can have any weapon (once it's been set up to use the new weapons), and the mapper can define what weapons each monster will use. You could presumably have demons and dogs shooting lasers, but I encourage the user to make things match better than that. :)

I've also made a small change to monster AI that reduces how often they get angry. Monsters become angry with each other less often, and the more times they switch targets, the less likely they'll switch again. This keeps the players in coop and single player alike from cheesing some of the harder battles by ganging up on monsters or constantly fooling them into fighting. Monsters will still fight each other, but it's a luxury that won't last forever, so make sure you're ready to take on the survivors yourself.

And now some good news for the player. I've added a couple new weapons to his arsenal: The Li'l Ripper and the Razor blades.
The Li'l Ripper (short for "the little ripper") fires saw blades that ricochet off walls and do great damage to enemies. The danger is that the blades can also damage you, so be careful with them. When you're out of ammo or you want to save that ammo for later, you can use the alt fire, which spins the Ripper's blade and allows you to use it as a chain saw.

Razor Blades are a mod for the Li'l Ripper which cause the blades to home in on enemies. They will hit an enemy, bounce off, and then make a U-turn to hit it again. Players of Ratchet & Clank 2 will have fond memories of this weapon.

Currently both weapons use the same model, but that will change soon.

Conquest available for download
Posted Friday, October 22, 2004 by

Conquest has been released for public download. There have also been some new weapon additions, such as the dual pistols, e-rifle, slugger, and drunk rockets.

Head over to the Conquest page for the link.

Conquest Progress
Posted Wednesday, October 6, 2004 by

I've added a number of important features to Conquest in the past week. One major improvement is the shop, which is a lot easier to use. It now delays before rapidly scrolling, so you don't have to struggle with it to get the right selection.

Another very important addition is the use of FRIK_FILE. Without getting into boring details, the best use I've made for this is transferring the player's stats between maps. From now on, when you change levels you will keep all your weapons, shields, money, and other stuff you've collected along the way.

I've also fixed the nasty error that caused the precision shield menu to give or take huge amounts of money. Players could become rich this way if they were lucky, but usually they just became very very poor. The precision shield and charge ammo menus have also gotten a crisp new look that I hope to propigate to other menus in the future.

There's a new model for the shop! Look for it as you play, it'll be infinitely useful.

MODs are now bought separately in a different menu. For now you can press 9 at the weapons buy menu to buy MODs.

Added new weapons: the Stake Launcher (ala PainKiller), Crossbow, and some EMP Launcher MODs that allow you to set enemies on fire or deal huge poison.

The Candent Rifle now inflicts the Interference status, which causes attacks to occasionally pass right through enemy shields. This makes it a very nice weapon. However, since they are incandescent (heat) bullets, they don't do well underwater (another change), so be sure you buy another weapon when you go for a swim.

The player now starts the game with a Shotgun, Axe, and one layer of Green Standard shielding. He also gets a few credits to spend, but it won't go far. Most items in the shop have also become a great deal more expensive, now that the player gets to keep his money and items between maps.

And, as you can see, I've posted more screenshots on Moddb.

Behold Conquest (and first news update in a while)
Posted Tuesday, September 28, 2004 by

My latest venture is a single-player mod called Conquest. I've got quite a bit already done for it, including the shop, a large selection of weapons, and the shielding system.

By far the coolest thing is the 3-layer shielding system. You can have up to 3 shields (in an outer, middle and inner layer), and the order you place them in affects how much damage you will take and how long the shields will last. There's also a lot of different kinds of shielding, which allows for a large number of combinations and defense styles.

There's an extensive description over at, with screenshots!

view more screenshots

Posted Friday, March 5, 2004 by

I've made a quick adaption of Ace of Nails for the current community modding contest/project (Turtlemod).

In Recoil, the point of the game is to knock your enemies into the lava. When you shoot them, their damage increases. A higher damage means they fly farther when shot, making it easier to kill them.

You can download the mod here and leave comments about it here.

You can also check out the other Turtlemod submissions there as they're submitted.

FrikaC's Tetris Minigame
Posted Thursday, February 26, 2004 by

I should give a url to Frik's Tetris minimod, too, since it's far superior to mine. :)

Oh, the things you can do with Quake!

Odd little minigame
Posted Thursday, February 26, 2004 by

FrikaC made an awesome little Tetris minigame that had us all gawking. I love the idea of putting mini-games in Quake, and so I set out to make my own.

Behold Quake Space Invaders!

'Ace of Nails' progress
Posted Wednesday, October 8, 2003 by

The mod used to be called Requiem, but that name was already taken so I decided to change to "Ace of Nails". The mod itself is coming along really well, and is ready for beta testing.

I still want to replace a lot of models and graphics before the release, and some weapons & such will definitely be changed, but the basic gameplay is in place.

My only concern is, Cheaphack's multiplayer is broken. Luckily, TomazQuake's newest version seems to have fixed this bug and plays the mod beautifully.

New mod in production
Posted Tuesday, September 16, 2003 by

Lately I've been using what little free time I can get to work on a new mod. It's got some cool weapons in it, as well as some cool new quirks (which aren't implemented yet, just planned. ;D ). You can try the early, early weapons alpha here. Enjoy the air gun. :)

College Attack!
Posted Tuesday, September 9, 2003 by

College snuck up on me and pounced. I'm taking 18 credits, in addition to a part time job. The first week I got homework from every class, including a 5-page report on the ethics of digitaly altering photographs (which I finally finished).

Suffice it to say, there's been little coding going on. :)

My classes are: Art, Photoshop, Imaging, C++ Operating Systems, Physics, and English. Eep. I'll survive. ;)

Battle Mech linux version!
Posted Wednesday, September 3, 2003 by

GG sent me a Linux version of Battle Mech. Make sure you read the instructions!

GG's been super-patient with me. It's taken a long time to get around to this. I've been so busy now that college started, and I haven't been feeling like working on anything lately.

Thanks, GG!
(btw, let me know if this doesn't work, I may have made mistakes)

Galacitx fixed
Posted Thursday, August 7, 2003 by

Unfortunately, the version of Galactix up for download was broken for weeks, maybe longer. It didn't work at all. The new version is fixed up and can be downloaded now.

What concerns me the most is that noone ever brought this to my attention. Either nobody ever played Galactix (they just liked the screenies), or nobody got the broken version. Or, perhaps, noone was in the mood to say anything. :)

New Battle Mech version and maps
Posted Wednesday, July 30, 2003 by

Battle Mech has a new version out, which fixes the turning head bug. It also adds a new feature for mappers, which allows them to modify the camera angle.
There is also an updated start level that uses the camera angle feature to alleviate the visibility problems when walking under the platform.

There are also 2 new maps from SkinnedAlive, available for download: blackfort and longbow.

Get it now on the Battle Mech page.

QExpo over
Posted Monday, July 21, 2003 by

Wow, I'm posting this really really late. Due to my own incompetence combined with a recent hacking of our server, I wasn't able to post news for a while and I'm just getting it working again. :)

Quake Expo is over. During the event, Battle Mech, Galactix, and Soldat were officially released. Soldat was just an alpha but still got some sunshine. Jeht also got a nice little update with a couple new weapons that should improve gameplay and overall look real nice. :)

I also noticed a ton of awesome mods coming out in other booths, including Ground Combat Vehicle, Prydon Gate: Curse of Korweh, the DJQuake comic, etc. It was a very satisfying event, and I'll be trying out the mods that resulted for months to come.

If you haven't already, visit Quake Expo now and check out all the goodies!

Battle Mech shaping up nicely
Posted Wednesday, June 11, 2003 by

Recently Battle Mech has been getting some decent attention. Its Capture The Flag is working quite well, and there's a new Desert map to play in. I've been adding various mapping controls, such as gravity, transparency, etc so that mappers will be able to get the effects they need. You can now tell the map to autoload a .cfg file to set various console commands such as fog, shadows, etc instead of having to edit the code or set them manually.

In other news, I've been enjoying the summer a lot. I've not played a lot of games, and I'm glad I didn't. I'm enjoying the other stuff I'm doing, away from a glowing, flashing screen. Still, I've managed to get in a few hours of my newly bought copy of Xenosaga, which has been a worthy investment. I love the battle system they've created!

An interesting story about how I bought it at GameStop. I decided to buy it in 'used' condition to save some money, and figured that $40 must certainly be a good price for a game that just came out (saving $10). Then, on my way to the counter, a second copy catches my eye. This one's new, selling for $30! I took both up to the counter to let them know about it (I wasn't mad, but actually rather amused). The guy there apologized and said he couldn't do anything about it, that it had to go through the system (in other words, it has to filter down from above, like urine through the leaves of a tree). I asked if there was any way he could mark down the used copy to the correct price, so that I could save as much money as possible; but it was out of his hands. What a rediculous burocracy!
The people who work at GameStop are cool. I like them a lot. However, I will think twice about buying from there again, especially without first checking the prices elsewhere.

QExpo assures 4 mods at least...
Posted Wednesday, May 28, 2003 by

QExpo's about a month away, and I'm furiously typing code at over 3 characters a minute! Wow, amazing with the high levels of free time I've had lately... ;)

Jeht will certainly get a small release. I'm replacing the power axe with something more useful, but other than that, it's quite insignificant.

Battle Mech will definately get released, in all its glory. The only problems that are concerning me are the auto-aiming (which is too limited for players), and the bots' god-like aim that makes bot matches rather annoying. Those should be worked out soon enough, however.

Galactix has had major changes recently. The player can now select from 3 different ships, each with its own attacks and missile upgrades. Regular attacks and ship missiles are now upgraded separately, and there's been a major overhaul to pretty much all the weapons.
In the near future I hope to spice up the enemy variety and AI, and hopefully create some bosses to end the level with.

Soldat is coming along nicely. I've got all the weapons put in there (except for grenades and the rambo bow, etc). They all play quite well, and I found the Soldat Manual's weapon specs quite useful.
I'm having trouble making the movement work right. About my only good option is to use movetype walk, but the engine I'm using has problems with that, and I don't dare switch to another. I'm kind of caught inbetween a rock and a hard place, because I don't know what engine will give me the best support.
In the mean time, there's lots to do that is in my power. I need to add Capture The Flag, Rambo, and the other game modes. In Rambo, I'm considering having throwing axes instead of a bow & arrow, as a kind of tribute to Quake. Also on the to do list is getting the physics to feel right, adding visual weapons, and somehow getting bots to play (the ultimate challenge).

E-mail me with any questions or concerns.

College finals finally done
Posted Thursday, May 1, 2003 by

Yup, this one here's a two-edged sword. The good news is, I'll have lots more free time during the summer.

The bad news is, out here decent 'net access is pretty hard to come by. Even if you get it, it's expensive. So, I come here to the college to use theirs (and do homework, of course ;p ). The problem is, now that I won't be attending college during the summer... my net access will be somewhat limited.

But no fears, I'll still pop by occasionally.

I've been playing Front Mission 3 a lot, as well as replaying through Final Fantasy 7. We're working on some strategies to whop on Ruby Weapon at the GameWinners forums, and I've made some excellent suggestions. It turns out that Shield makes you invulnerable to all her attacks!

In Quake, Jeht's had some work done on it, and I'm also considering a Soldat mod, which would be a great deal easier than Metal Slug or Super Smash Quake, and would kind of be a mixture between the two.

Lots to do.

Have a great summer, y'all!

ah, better
Posted Wednesday, April 16, 2003 by

Things have cooled down in the FF7 forums, which is quite a relief. I've been testing some interesting materia combos and suggesting ideas that have surprisingly been accepted pretty well.

I've also visited the Front Mission 3 forums, which were much more mild. Maybe now I'll be able to figure out how to learn the Auto, Protect Body, and Revenge moves.

I'm also working on Jeht again. Yay!

Of course, my homework hasn't been done for a couple days... *wince*
At least I got my Chemistry report done and gone. Now it's just a couple calculus assignments that are bogging me down. Out of the full year, this is the first time they've had me so confused that I didn't know what to do with them. Nothing's working. :( Anyway, I'll probably be able to work it out. Then I can get back to coding, the one love in my life (second only to games, of course ;p ).

Posted Monday, April 14, 2003 by

I've been visiting the FF7 forums over at Gamefaqs and Gamewinners. Yeesh. The gamewinners crowd is exactly what you'd expect from a popular game, namingly massive, hard on newbies, and not ever without its regular trolls. I did get some decent information after they were through flaming me though. :)

Makes me appreciate the Inside3d forums more. The people there are helpful, courteous, knowledgeable, and most of the trolls have been chased out or have left of their own accord (the newer games have more prey).

Cheers I3d!

My birthday
Posted Friday, April 11, 2003 by

Today is that ill-fated day when I was unleashed upon the world. Nothing's ever been right since.

Okay, so maybe I'm overestimating me influence on the social patterns of the planet. But I'm sure someone somewhere is quite upset about it.

In other news, I've been enjoying some Jeht deathmatch, and I'm considering doing another version. Weapons #1 and #8 bother me because of the way they don't work, especially #1. The axe just fails in every sense of usefulness, both because it's a melee weapon and because it's too weak to bother with. The Plasma Rifle is actually fairly ok, but the alt fire, though very cool looking, isn't nearly as fitting as it could be, and I'd like to replace it with something more handy.

I've also been playing CZG's single player maps. I was quite dissapointed when I unzipped and played them because I was expecting deathmatch, which I usually enjoy more than sp. However, once I got started, I found myself genuinly enjoying them. They really are great maps.

Look'n good, look'n good!
Posted Tuesday, April 8, 2003 by

The new page is at a good stopping point at least. Pretty nice, eh? Ok, maybe not. But it is pretty amazing that I, the chronically left-brained coder, managed to put together a decent page without any tragic deaths or visits to the mental hospital.

If you find any broken, dead, or crippled links, please let me know and I'll fix 'em.

Under Construction
Posted Tuesday, April 8, 2003 by

Yup, the site's under construction for the moment. I need to get a decent look done before I can propigate it to the rest of the pages. Until then, the old pages will be used, which lack a nav bar. So, make good use of that back button. :)

I just played Soldat last night and had a blast. It's like combining Worms, Metal Slug, and Quake all into a bundle of 2-D deathmatch goodness. Perhaps that will influence a future mod...

Front Mission still holds my heart. I'm playing through the second storyline and enjoying it. I hope Emma doesn't die though... No, DON'T ruin it for me! ;p

I saw a wombat today. He was sitting on a park bench smoking fine cigarettes and playing chess against an invisible leamer. That fact that I'm sleep deprived has nothing to do with it.

Wazat plays Front Mission 3
Posted Monday, April 7, 2003 by

Sorry everyone, Front Mission 3 has stolen my soul for the time being. I played Friday night and stayed up until 4:30 because it was so good. I'm sooo happy I won the e-bay auction!

Unfortunately, my mod progress has halted, probably indefinately depending on how long this game holds me hostage. :) In fact, coherent conversation ought to blarg the nozzle zouzth.

Imagine combining Armored Core 3 with Final Fantasy Tactics. Yup, I'm gonna be busy for a looong time. Cya in the next life, if I've quit playing by then. ;D

Actually, I should find some time for coding. A little bit.

These images courtesy of

Posted Monday, April 7, 2003 by

Test news

Wazat plays Front Mission 3
Posted Monday, March 3, 2003 by

Sorry everyone, Front Mission 3 has stolen my soul for the time being. I played Friday night and stayed up until 4:30 because it was so good. I'm sooo happy I won the e-bay auction!

Unfortunately, my mod progress has halted, probably indefinately depending on how long this game holds me hostage. :) In fact, coherent conversation ought to blarg the nozzle zouzth.

Imagine combining Armored Core 3 with Final Fantasy Tactics. Yup, I'm gonna be busy for a looong time. Cya in the next life, if I've quit playing by then. ;D

Actually, I should find some time for coding. A little bit.

These images courtesy of

More Battle Mech!
Posted Wednesday, February 19, 2003 by

PushPlay sent me an excellent map yesterday. The old screenshots were taken on the ugly, ugly test map, but these new ones take advantage of the very nice look of PushPlay's art. Check it out:

Battle Mech gets screenshots
Posted Tuesday, February 18, 2003 by

Battle Mech has a description page on moddb now, as well as a nice image gallery. The test map is horribly bland because it's not lit, and gameplay can never be substituted by still images. However, a few quick peeks couldn't hurt.

See for yourself:

The mod is scheduled for release during QExpo in June. Visit the Inside3d Forums to post comments.

Galactix takes a turn
Posted Friday, February 14, 2003 by

Galactix has gotten some excellent feedback, and is getting some nice additions. The original screenshots pale in comparison to the new ones with skyboxes, and the weapon and missile system is being revamped according to various suggestions. Also, damage amounts have become better balanced and some bugs were fixed.

Also, I've come to the decision that once these few changes are done, I will *stop* working on Galactix and will hand it out to various people so they can use it to make their own space ship mod. Everyone seems to have their own idea of how the mod should be; this is a chance for them to do it. Everyone will make their variations and then release them durring QExpo 2003, in June.

By the way, Galactix has gotten some incredible coverage on its moddb site. 750 visits to date!
Maybe this is why:

Do you like Galactix?
Posted Friday, February 7, 2003 by

Galactix has been given a spot on Moddb where it's proudly displaying a few meager teaser screenshots. They're not all that great since there's still not a skybox and some other things need touching up, but it's an excellent start. The CheapHack engine appears to have made an excellent host of my little space mod. Check out the mod description and screenshots now. I'll be adding more as time passes and the mod becomes more refined (and nicer looking).

Jeht also got some screenshots put up FINALLY. I had an amazing run of neutrality, which is in such direct contrast to my more freaquent runs of absolute laziness, that I immediately burst into a fit of productivity and, well, you can see the results here.

The heavens lose a star
Posted Friday, February 7, 2003 by

CocoT announced today that he will no longer be active in the Q1 community. Real Life whipped around and bit him on the rear. It's a shame since he has a great site and has always been quite active in posting news and making suggestions. And he's great to talk to in forums and irc. He will however drop in from time to time so we won't miss him too bad. He'll also be releasing a final version of Ultimate Quad Capture sometime in the future.

For those of you who have not had the pleasure of visiting his site but are interested in what he's got going on, visit it now.

Not dead, just a vegitable
Posted Wednesday, January 8, 2003 by

Well, all Christmas I was visiting my family, and now I'm taking a relatively heavy schedule in college, so any mod programming has stopped for now.

The classes I'm taking include Computer Artificial Intelligence, Website Design, Networking Essentials, Chemestry, Calculus (major homework class), and Extensive Sanity Screening.

Ok, that last one isn't exactly a class, it's just something my friends insist I do so they can feel safe (they themselves do the screening, hypnotis, savage clubbing, and deprogramming). I don't know why they're so worried; that twitch in my eye has calmed down, and my more angry personalities have all been mostly supressed. ;p

Pah, vacation messed me up so much I'm not even funny anymore. :|

Anyway, I've been playing Dino Crisis 2 (I bought it for myself for christmas, how sad is that?) and it's a pretty fun game. Too short tho, and I was dissapointed at the transition from the "puzzle-solving & run-away" Resident Evil style gameplay to more arcade shoot-em-up type. Perhaps it would have done well as a separate game? Anyway, it was highly entertaining and my only regret is that it was only about as replayable as the first one: a little bit, but not very much. I liked the variety of weapons, though.

Cheapalert gets the Christmas Spirit
Posted Wednesday, December 18, 2002 by

Cheapalert sent me a whole bunch of sounds for Battle Mech and they are excellent! I've also added some cool new weapons to the fray and fixed some problems.

My next projects are going to be Tank Wars and Battle Sport (based loosely on what I remember from the 3DO game). Neither of these are in the planning page yet. :) I want to do them before Return Fire, because they will allow me to perfect the controls and physics I'll be utilizing later on. And they're simple and cool anyway. :)

Maybe I'll have I happy Christmas this year. I want total global domination, world peace, and a pony. But I'd settle for a new computer, a nice house, and enough free time to work on my mods.

Finals week
Posted Monday, December 9, 2002 by

Well, it's time for finals of the much beloved fall semester. Think Wazat will do well?
Your guess is as good as mine. :)

We're approaching the between-semesters period where I'll not be going to school, which means I won't have much internet access at all. For those of you who do not see a problem with this (or are marking their calender for this joyous event), I'll have you know I rather dislike the idea.
Hopefully, I'll be able to come down here once a week and use the college computers still, in contrast to the crappy local library ones that barely work and ban all useful sites, includig my own, which I don't understand. All that's on here is a bunch of Quake programming stuff, a few violent video game pictures, and my extensive list of people I want dead (right now it's not posted because it's too big to upload, but I'm working on a revised version with a lot of the repeat entries cut out).

Oh, by the way, this time I really did fix the MonsterTF link, so it's downloadable. Sorry to those of you who still had trouble. Thanks to Gilgamesh for pointing it out.

Still can't find VoidTF, it seems to be nowhere.

Thank you Horn!
Posted Friday, December 6, 2002 by

Thank Horn for quickly finding the problem. I can access my FTP again.

I've updated the planning page with two new planned mods: Cordon Quake, a sort of arcade aim & shoot game like Time Crisis or Jurassic Park (you'll use the mouse to aim); and Hurried Ascent, an essential foil to Akuma's Hurried Descent mod, which you can find on his site.

Also, I've fixed the download link to MonsterTF (simple misspelling error), so it's downloadable again. However, VoidTF is nowhere to be seen, and I can't find it on my computer either. :( If anyone has it, please let me know. There are people asking for it.

Beyond that, it's the weekend!!! Huuurah! Now I've got all this time to work on my mods!... or study for college finals. Whatever I happen upon first. :)

Can't log in
Posted Thursday, December 5, 2002 by

Lately I haven't been able to log into my ftp, so I can't upload files or change the pages. I can still post news because that's scripted.

I can't seem to find any demos of the original Return Fire game. :( I wanted to show it around and get some sounds from it (the skull laughing sound especially, it was priceless *grin* ), but all links be dead.

I'm holding off working on Return Fire Quake because I'm hoping frik will reply and tell me the best way to make frikbots understand new ways of movement. If he doesn't though, I'll just have to go at it alone. :(

Well, gotta go get my car registered.

Oye! What a day.

Posted Tuesday, December 3, 2002 by

I just went through hell-week. Next time we have 45 people live in our house for any holiday, I'm packing up and camping in the mountains till it's over. And don't come looking for me, I'll be armed.

As for college & real life, I'm bogged down with all kinds of stuff lately. First of all, I need to register my car 3 days ago. That comes with a necessary inspection etc. And I've got finals coming up. Not to mention a speech coming up in one of my classes (tomorrow even) that I've not prepared for much. Ah, and the lovely CIS work that is so mindbogglingly trivial I think I might gnaw my leg off.


Anyway, it's a good thing all my mods are at a good breaking point. I can (supposedly) get all this done, and then start it all back up again after a week or 2. Plus some intermittent coding in between. :)

Battle Mech anyone?
Posted Monday, December 2, 2002 by

Battle Mech, by far the coolest mod yet, is nearly completed and needs only some help for the frikbots. It's an overhead battle in which you control a mech, running around, picking up weapons, and shooting other mechs. It's multiplayer, and has frikbot support, though they need to be taught how to function properly.
Battle Mech, like the others, will remain unreleased until QExpo 2003, in June. :(

The good news is, this mod, like the others, is an excellent building block toward others. Now I can start on Return Fire Quake because of the solid control system I developed in Battle Mech.

If you want screenshots from any of my mods, e-mail me and I'll be happy to upload some.

QExpo Planning page up
Posted Friday, November 22, 2002 by

If you want descriptions of the mods I'm planning for QExpo, visit the planning page now. Not all the projects I've listed - or even most - will be worked on or finished, but it's a good list of ideas for me to choose from. Feel free to e-mail me with questions or comments.

Platforms on Vagrant Story fixed!
Posted Friday, November 22, 2002 by

I've fixed the platform problem, and the chain attack system is evolving nicely. I'd like to keep it simple, but I won't be cutting back on any of the good stuff if I can help it. I'm surprised at how fast this is moving.

It's all coming togeather, as I have forseen... bwahahaha! ;D

I'd also like to start on some of the other quicker minimods I've planned, just to expand my library to show off. I've had so few problems so far, I'm expecting it to all come crashing down on my head. All's quiet on the western front I suppose. :)

Head over to the Inside3d Forums to find out more about QExpo.

QExpo 2k3 minimod goodness
Posted Thursday, November 21, 2002 by

Galactix, the overhead space shooter minimod, is almost completely done. I just need to add a few minor things FrikaC suggested and then clean the code.

Vagrant Story Quake, based on the immensely popular and unique Playstation game, is actually in progress and doing *extremely* well. There's a problem with platforms and doors not wanting to start once they've stopped, but I'll fix that eventually.
I'm enjoying making this mod. The fact that Quake is centered around guns etc instead of swords just adds to the interest!

I've been piddling around with overhead tank games, and if I'd put my mind to it I could make a decent multiplayer tank arena minimod. Imagine the crash bandicoot minigame or something. *shrugs* :)

Also planned (and rated on scale of 1 - 10 on chance of being completed):
9. Bomberman Quake (sort of in progress)
8. Vagrant Story Quake (in progress and doing well)
6. Metal Slug Quake
4. QTactics (in progress)
10. Galactix (completed)
7. Return Fire Quake
4. QCraft (quake starcraft, name coined by FrikaC)
7. Hurried Ascent (ever played Hurried Descent?)
7. A 2d overhead game that involves CTF (ought to be interesting)
6. Super Smash Quake (super smash bros with quake monsters)
7. Monster Battle (overhead 2d monster fight game)

In the mean time, I have homework from college keeping me busy too. May the force be with me.

Custom Lightstyles
Posted Thursday, November 7, 2002 by

Because people showed interest in it, here it is: An entity that will create a custom lightstyle in your map, which can be used by other lights.

Get it at the Downloads page now.

For those of you who are interested in custom entities, you can check out the VoidEnts mod on the download page, or e-mail me with a request. I'll take on most that are feasable.

Oh, yes...
Posted Wednesday, October 30, 2002 by

And I forgot to mention that Inside3D is back up! Come and visit us!

Jeht's new version
Posted Wednesday, October 30, 2002 by

Well, the newer version is up, and it's changed a few key things for the better of gameplay. Here are some of the biggest changes (read changes.txt for more info):

*Shotgun model doesn't kick back so far, the old way looked goofy.

*Shotgun fires a spread of shells rather than just 3 bullets (more true to a shotgun).

*Plasma Rifle's alternate fire now does extra pain when fired in or into water. Feel the Burn.

*Pulse Rifle and Shotgun are now considered equally valuable, so the game won't switch automatically between them (as this annoyed some people).

*Item pickup system has been improved so you'll always know what ammo you're getting.

*The shotgun & machinegun's reloading has been revamped. Now changing to the shotgun or machinegun will automatically fully load its clip. You also won't be picking up weapons with empty clips anymore.

*Random map selection should no longer reselect the same map twice in a row.

Get it on the downloads page.

Inside3d dead! NOOOOOOOOOO!
Posted Monday, October 7, 2002 by

Inside3d is currently down due to domainicide. It'll be a couple weeks before we can buy the domain back.

Death, Taxes, and... College
Posted Tuesday, September 24, 2002 by

College is keeping me busy lately; but despite it's efforts, I have managed to code a biorifle and some other weapons for Shub-Fusion for Shadow. It would appear the mod is going quite smoothly! I've still gotta code the stuff for my class though.

Shub-Fusion doing well
Posted Tuesday, September 17, 2002 by

I'm looking forward to Shub-Fusion, for one because it's really a good idea, two because I'm helping (always a confidence booster), and three because I really like the ideas I've come up with for my class. I need only code them. ;l

And the best thing is, Shadow doesn't seem overwhelmed. In fact, he's handling it quite well, taking suggestions that will help and addressing those that won't. Before long the epic battles of Wazat vs Shadow and Frik vs CocoT will finally be possible in Real (Quake) life! :)

b..b0rked again!
Posted Tuesday, September 10, 2002 by

Jeht had another serious problem with the Power Axe doing no damage. I got that fixed too. Oye, the crazy stuff that gets messed up near deadlines. <:(

Both b0rked, fixed now
Posted Monday, September 9, 2002 by

Jeht had a problem with your own railgun killing you and not being able to respawn. It's been fixed.

CTF plugin had a problem where I ommited one line of code which told you to include runes.qc in progs.src. It goes right above ctf.qc. Oops. I fixed that and re-uploaded the version, there should be no problems now.

CTF Plugin and Jeht!
Posted Friday, September 6, 2002 by

Because people have been showing interest in both Jeht and CTF Plugin, both have gotten their new versions released. Jeht version 1.3 is working excellently, and I think people will enjoy the map rotation and weapons. CTF Plugin has been given a total revamp as far as the instructions go. They are now very easy and short, and users should have little trouble following them.

Unfortunately, I forgot to bring the CTF Plugin progs.dat, so the download for that is outdated. But you can still plug it into mods.

Evile Dr. Shadowborg is at it again
Posted Thursday, September 5, 2002 by

Shadow has announced that he will make a *tenative* step towards maybe restarting the Shub-Fusion project. For those who do not know what this is, it's a deathmatch/ctf mod whose classes basically represent various people on the Inside3D Forums. You can play as Frika-c or Shadow or Wazat or... ah, etc. Crazy eh? :D

Shadow says he's gonna keep it simple and only have it be a Deathmatch game to start with, and may build off it from there. We're now in the stages of discussing weapons and accepting skins for the players. I'm well aware that he may just abandon it again (you can't blame him, complex projects that depend on others' input are always teetering on edge), and so I'm hoping he'll get the support he needs.

This is all taking place at the Inside3D Forums, feel free to come and visit.

I keep my promises...
Posted Wednesday, September 4, 2002 by

...but you may be dead before you see them fulfilled.

I'm delaying the release of Jeht a while, because I don't like the throwaxe (it's useless even though it's cool, and solid gameplay is more important). And I'm pushing back the imaginary deadline of CTF Plugin too, since I haven't even worked on cleaning it up yet.

What's the good news? I'm getting good grades in college. And my sanity may be dangling by a thread, but I can see it sometimes if I imagine there's light coming from the window.

All's well.

Posted Wednesday, August 28, 2002 by

'been forgetting to write news!

I'm in college now, and that has very effectively brought Jeht and QTactics development to a screeching halt. However, it does increase my access to computers with fast net connections, so it's a trade off.

On the plus side, QTactics is finally working with DarkPlaces, which means no more crashes for infinite loops. I've also got a couple other test maps made, which are working ok (besides being ugly as hell and even buggier). One is a large castle, and the other is a downhill river w/ small waterfall. And I've completely re-done the unit movement code, so it doesn't rely on the monster movement code anymore. Heaven help me, I hope it works out.

Jeht has actually progressed a lot. I've revamped a lot of the weapons, changed all kinds of stuff, added custom map rotation, and all but put the finishing touches on it for release. Now I can actually feel good about a version!

Look forward to new versions of Jeht and CTF Plugin soon.

Site redesign
Posted Monday, July 1, 2002 by

Actually more of a color change. This should be easier on everyone's eyes, including my own. :D
Also the features page was half-heartedly updated with what I could remember about Jeht (not much actually).

QTactics sneak peek
Posted Monday, July 1, 2002 by

My current mod is going very smoothly. It's Final Fantasy Tactics put into quake and made multiplayer. You can get a cool sneak peek on the downloads section. Please remember though, it's an alpha to an alpha of an unfinished product.

I'm particularly proud of the pathfinding code. It even does multiple levels now! However, the more I add to it, the more it likes to crash the engine with a false infinite loop error. Looks like I'll have to modify the engine to fix that, and I don't want to. I could do a very hacky system to eliminate the problem, but that could make things worse for me..

My only real problem is developing a computer controlled enemy AI. Artificial Intelligence was NEVER my strong point, and I'll be damned if I ever get it working. :|

Anyway, enjoy (and remember it's only an alpha).

Three more eye sores!
Posted Thursday, June 20, 2002 by

Now that I have a zip disk at my disposal, I can upload and download files as I please. Here are the 3 newest additions:

Quake-e-mon: Quake pokemon, but less gay. There are all kinds of moves and a wide range of monsters. It's not quite finished, but what's there is great. There's nothing better than watching a demon use Blood Lust or an enforcer use Fire Blast.

Jeht version 1.1: All the changes to Jeht that I've been ranting about are now available -- for better or for worse. The old version is still there too if you don't like the changes.

MonsterTF: Team Fortress with monsters. Be a shambler, demon, enforcer, death knight, etc. It's a pretty solid system and could probably do well with some direction and finishing touches, but as it stands now, it's unfinished and will stay that way unless someone wants it.

All the stuff on my page is up for grabs. As long as I'm given credit for my part, you're free to do as you please with it.

naustalgia or something
Posted Wednesday, June 19, 2002 by

I've just stumbled upon a long forgotten evil. It's the old void mod page! Hmm... with a little work, it could become a very cool new Jeht page indeed...

Download page popping full
Posted Wednesday, June 19, 2002 by

Ah, yes, a big lump of old mods and stuff have been added to the downloads page. CTF plugin, voidents, and even a couple test maps.

VoidTF should be there too but the file has mysteriously dissapeared... I'll find it someday I'm sure.

Go to the downloads page now.

Posted Sunday, March 24, 2002 by

I've made a new mod nobody will like. Go to the downloads page if you want to be dissapointed. It's called Jeht. I don't know why. So far it plays quite good and is well balanced and fun, and that's way more than can be said of most deathmatch mods I make :P

Figured a news post was healthy
Posted Friday, March 15, 2002 by

BestVoid gets a few downloads every week. Not too bad considering.

I've been spending most of my net time at Inside3d Forums. Sometimes it seems like a lot is happening there, sometimes not.

I can't find the glide drivers I need for my voodoo2 to run glquake or any of the new engines I want to try. :(

I dunno what I want to do next. The quake community is quite ravenous right now when it comes to mods. The people are great but you can't expect them to take just anything and praise it with a good consience. I'm the same way.

If I *do* do anything of interest, it'll probably be a Super Smash Bros type mod. *shrugs*
Cya all later.

Oh, and yes, I'm static. Just changed my name is all.

Static pops in with news
Posted Friday, August 17, 2001 by

Hey, looks like the mod's been getting some hits while I was gone. Considering I didn't even advertise it except to a few people, 102 downloads ain't bad at all.

I've completed Basic Training and now I'm in Tech School, in limbo, waiting for classes to start. Hopefully I'll be home before expected, but it's likely I'll be late. Who knows.

And finally, as a tribute to BestVoid, here's my favorite screenshot. Woop!

Cya all in 1-2 months!

Static leaves for 4 months
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by

This is it, I'm gone. I've been telling people it would be 3 months, but I was forgetting to count August (for some reason I count July, September, October, move right past August... heh)
4 months of Basic Training and Job Training with the US Air Force Reserves.

I return Friday, October 13th. I'm not joking. :)
Ok, so I am a day off, it's actually not on a friday... but it's close.
Cya all then.

Best of Void quick fix version
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2001 by

The latest version of BestVoid fixes a few goofs on the final version, such as the Explosive Shells being cripplingly weak.

Download version 1.1 now on the download page.

Final BestVoid version!
Posted Friday, May 25, 2001 by

This is it! I'm going to Basic Training for 3 months and this is the last time I'll get to update before I go. I've gone and tied up as many loose ends as I possibly could. Best of all, the Gamecfg and Temp1 Menu is working perfectly, so now it's easy to turn on or off any options you want.

Here's the changes list:
v1.00 - Final Version
Added an ingame menu for the game options. Now it's sooo easy to add gamecfg's and temp1's, there's no excuse anymore! :)
Rocket Launcher is now selected by the best weapon code like all other weapons
Rocket speed changed from 600 to 800
Added trigger_gravity to the entity list
Added natural map gravity - change worldspawn's "speed" value. See custent0.txt in the docs folder.
Added ability for mappers to make items float in midair. Give them a "lefty" value.
Added random flag spawn points. Give them an "attack_state" value and create the appropriate spawn points. The spawns are random, it won't rotate through them in order like player spawns. See docs/ctfents.txt for info
Added Runes! They can have random spawn points too.
The dropped weapon model for the plasma rifle has been corrected
Explosive Shell Shotgun gibs more often than in previous versions
Readme.txt has been updated with info on the menu and other fun stuff.

I've got a couple weeks or so before I leave. If I have the time I'll visit around.

So long!

What's to come
Posted Tuesday, May 22, 2001 by

Frika-c pointed out something that BestVoid needed: an in-game menu for gamecfg's and temp1's! So look forward to it in the next release.

So far no bugs have been reported, which should be a good thing.

Update 0.96
Posted Friday, May 18, 2001 by

Best of Void got a much-needed update!
Here's the list of things that changed:

Added impulses to turn on or off auto weapon switching, and aliases to match.
Made the blaster devastating to zombies so people could do single player, though this is Not a single player mod...
Fixed the bug that was keeping people from changing teams... again. :)
Changed the Particle Cannon to a Plasma Rifle, which is far easier to use and better balanced.
Fixed various weapon name inconsistancies throughout the mod... :P
Toned down the rapid canister rifle, it's not such a kill-o-matic anymore. :-(
Now you get a lot less red in your screen when being attacked by the nailgun.
The Explosive Shell Shotgun now has a slight delay before it fires.
Exp Shells doesn't always gib now. Not if you just barely killed them (which is rare). Added a new deathmessage for this.
Messed up the Frikbot's perfect firing ability with explosive shells. Now it's much more fair.
Made the entities like lasergates and pits print the right death messages
The hyperblaster and nailgun both lose their accuracy when you're running, but have high accuracy when you're stopped.
The spin up & down times on the hyperblaster have been majorly reduced.
The attack power of the Namek (machine gun) has been increased.
Added rune powers for CTF flags. Runes are still to come.

Good maps to play are: efdm10, efdm12, dm1-6, and, well, just about any other good deathmatch or CTF maps. :P

deathmatch 3 will automatically set up CTF so you can play on any ctf map, for those who are too lazy to read the readme. :P

Runes & stuff
Posted Wednesday, May 16, 2001 by

I've been adding Rune powers and curses to BestVoid's CTF flags. They're not automatic, they have to be given to a flag by the mapper. There's some nice runes though, and some interesting curses to match:
Strength - Weakness (2x or 1/2 attack power)
Resistance - Vulnerability (1/2 or 2x damage taken)
Regeneration - Degeneration (heal health, lose health)
Vampire - Empathy (Gain health from attacks, lose health from attacks)

Most of the curses will cancel out their rune counterparts if used in connection. The exception is Degeneration, which if used with Regeneration causes the player's health to hover around 50 health or so. When he's below that, he heals, when he's above that, he starts losing it. The health will also alternate back and forth around 50 as the two powers struggle for control.
Another nice thing about regeneration is when you're low on health you get a lot more healing than if you're healthy and don't need it as much.

Anyway, rune items will also be around, though I don't know if they'll be available unless the map has them built in. :(

Also on my list of stuff to do for CTF is to allow flags to find random spawn points (defined by ctf_flag_spawn entities) to appear at.

The next version is due for release on Friday, or whenever it's ready.

Posted Tuesday, May 15, 2001 by

Yesterday's news (which was posted today because there was trouble with the script) was a wee bit incorrect with the future of the hyperblaster. It has now been worked with so that it's less overpowered but still useful. I did make a few mistakes in judging its power, too. Learn from my mistakes:
1. Never judge a weapon's power by fighting against skill 3 frikbots
2. Never judge a weapon's usefulness by trying to use it against skill 3 frikbots
3. Never scrap a weapon because you aren't as good with it as skill 3 frikbots are

Heh. So yea, the new release will be coming up soon. I do need to test it a bunch more and add some stuff, but it's generally reaching readiness.

Webpage Up
Posted Tuesday, May 15, 2001 by

Yea, I made a page in a dizzied drunken stupor and uploaded it. It's pretty much all I can do in the time I've had, between AP tests, homework, school, frail attempts at working on BestVoid, and my ever popular (heh) social life. Hopefully I can improve it as things settle down here. If anyone feels they can do better, I'll bet they can't. For the most part I'm playing to lose here, and I would hate to be right. :P I'll review the mod of or do an interview or something for whoever can best my best.

As for BestVoid, some nice new things are coming up for the next version. Not only is the command complete to turn off Auto Weapon Switching when you pick up a weapon, but the weapons themselves are getting an overhaul (there are few versions where this hasn't happened, btw :P ).
The Particle Cannon, though nice, has been temporarily scrapped in favor of a new Plasma Rifle. I'm just toying with the idea right now, but if the Plasma Rifle can fit into the balance pretty well and prove to be more useful than its predecessor, I'll be happy to keep it.
The beloved Hyperblaster is next on my hitlist. It's such a cool weapon I'd hate to replace it, but the mod seems to need a beam-type weapon like the lightning gun to be the ultimate weapon, not some hard to hit with never reliable always instant death from bots kill-o-matic. :P However, if I can work with the hyperblaster and make it a little better, or if people become avidly against replacing it (so unbendingly intolerant that they would actually tell me about it :P ), I will probably leave it in there.