What is the "Game
Creation System Windows Editor"? |
is a drop-in replacement for the present DOS game engine
uses Microsoft's Direct X / Direct 3D technology.
information on the standard GCS for DOS
The GCSWRE is a Microsoft Windows(tm) &
Direct X application that requires a Pentium or better PC to run.
It will also utilize a video 3D accelerator card if you computer is equipped
with one. This drop-in replacement for the DOS GCS will be able to
run any existing game that you have developed using the old system, but
without many of the DOS memory limitations! Since this new
engine is powered by Microsoft's Direct X, your games will be able to display
Full Screen resolutions of 640x480 or higher, with 8, 16, or 24 bit color,
limited only by your graphics card.
Click here
for some terrific screen shots!
Other features include:
Freedom to place individual floor and ceiling
panels of varying textures, heights and angles.
Light source effects that make regular levels
look spectacular!
360 degree scrolling horizon backgrounds
*3D hardware accelerated graphics (*3D Video Accelerator
Ability to look up, down, and now you can go FULL
Sound support for any sound card, Midi and CD
Multiple enemy types per level.
Release Version Available NOW!
Advance Release
So what does the GCSWRE 'advance-release'
version look and feel like? Initially, it looks exactly like the DOS GCS,
as does the 'GCS Paint' program. That soon changes when the 'Test
Level' option is selected, and the Windows GCS editor shows itself.
The first time a level is tested with the GCSWE, you will need to select
a video mode option that works best for you, on your particular
computer. This only needs to be done once, after which you can just
select 'Test 3D World' to test your level. From this windows portion
of the editor, you can add or modify such things as textured floor and
ceiling panels, lighting effects, and the games view port size.
The GCSWRE 'advance-release'
version comes with a 34 page bound manual that takes you through the basics
of the new features that make up this amazing Pie
in the Sky product.
System Requirements:
Pentium (120+ Recommended),
CD-ROM, Mouse,
Microsoft's Windows 95/98 and Direct X
Save up to $22 when you purchse the GCS!
More Info!