Welcome to GCStalk the original discussion group dedicated to all things GCS. GCStalk was created by Steve Fury founder of
gcsgames.com and is moderated by Ken Beard And Daveman. GCStalk has grown so quickly, we need to establish a few rules
up-front, so new members may avoid mistakes that could effect their membership.
The primary focus of GCStalk is the free and open discussion of products made by, for and with, the Pie In the Sky Game
Creation System. You may not post topics that have nothing if little to do with the GCS. You will get a simple warning or removeal
depending on the offense.
The purpose of GCStalk is allow GCS, GCSP and GCSW users to ask and answer questions, share ideas, disseminate gcs tech
support replies and distribute related information.
The following should enhance your use of GCStalk.
Advertising: GCStalk does not allow commercial advertising of any kind and we are not the place to sell your new game.
However, if you choose to release a demo of your game and your demo or website has an order form for the complete game, it is
all right to occasionally invite us to check it out.
Banners: If you or your site has links to some money making scheme, don't mention it here.
Discrimination: If you have a problem with your: race, creed, color, national origin, age or sex, don't bring it up here.
GCStalk is a meeting of the minds. No more then the most casual mention of any of the above is allowed.
GCStalk is a limited forum for the discussion of topics relating to the Game Creation System. This is not your public soapbox for
whatever is on your mind. GCStalk is not responsible for your: income, living conditions or personal happiness.
It is permissible to post links to sites of possible interest to GCStalk members. A description of what we should
expect to find there should be included, (ie: royalty free textures) along with warning of any disclaimers you may have
found, (ie: non-commercial use only). Care should be taken to post only the url, please do not forward the entire web site
to GCStalk. Links to: porn, mp3, warez, mlm, make-money-fast, or other non-related or illegal sites are not allowed in
It is suggested you spend some time reading GCStalk and your manual, before posting your, question, comment, or
pet game theory to GCStalk.
GCStalk is moderated after the fact. Posts come to you uncensored, exactly as written by their original authors, bugs, barnacles,
barbs and all. Please do not construe this to be an open invitation to reply in kind or to post whatever you want here. All posts are
later reviewed by moderators Ken Beard and Daveman and violators will be removed from GCStalk.
All the items of proper internet behavior you agreed to when you signed on with your isp are expected to be complied with in
It is not necessary to own a copy of the GCS, GCSP or GCSW to join GCStalk. Non-owners are expected to be
somewhat more circumspect about asking and responding to questions. Do not post to the list trying to get a pirated copy of the
GCS. Replies in the public forum such as, "Gee I don't know." are not desired by anyone.
GCStalk respects the rights of parents to preserve the innocence of children. Please don't exceed PG values in
Posts to GCStalk may take minutes to hours to take effect. If you clicked on [Send] and what you wrote went
away, assume it will be posted and please do not repost the same message again. Do not send "TEST" messages to the list. Plain
ASCII text is preferred as many mailboxes can't deal with html. Attachments to GCStalk posts are not allowed, with the exception
of posts originating from Pie In The Sky Corp.
Lon are the sole and final arbitrator of membership in GCStalk. If you have a problem with anger
management, immediate sincere apology is your best chance with no guarantees of privileges being restored now or later,
depending on how annoying you were.
Unknown posters with forged or bogus e-mail addresses, who "pop" into the group with outrageous
statements, racist terms, or offensive language are clearly trolls. These vermin are not worth responding to, as it only
helps to spread their message. Just ignore their pathetic cries for attention.
The Pie In The Sky Game Creation System for Windows is
expected to be an easy to use low cost alternative to the
expensive programming intensive game engines on the market
today. This company has already successfully completed the
GCS and GCSP game engines for dos. The release of new game
engines can be frustrating for both company and purchasers,
your patience and understanding is appreciated. Thank you for
your interest in GCStalk.
Dan Olsson / GCSgames.com / GCStalk /
Ken Beard / DaveMan / Listbot moderators
Robert Perkis / Thanks for the rules, we hope you don't mind our edits.
=======Welcome to the GCS Talk Listbot=======
*****Moderated by Kenneth Beard and Daveman *****
Hello and welcome to the GCS Talk Listbot, the place
to be for all the latest in GCS releated news, help, tips,
tricks, and ideas and the most important, new friends
who share a common intrest.
Before you get ready to post new messages to the list
we insist you read over the following rules to prevent
removeal or getting out of line with the moderators on
this list. If you have any questions be sure to e-mail me
at Vinceb@pa.net anytime.
The following rules have been setup to resemble our
constitution, even though you may be form an international
country I am not trying to lead a dictatorship here. Only
Keep the list a sfae enviorment for all its users.
Article I
Section 1
Clause 1:
Swearing, flaming, and verbal abuse rather intnetional or
not is prohibited and will result in removal. The three
strikes your out role has been removed. This list if to be
rated by the MPPA would be G - PG.
Clause 2:
Off topic posts are not encouraged. This is a GCS only
list. I will be treating everyone with a 2 chance penalty.
2 off topic posts with in the same month and I will limit
you to 1 post a week for a month. Also sending "TEST"
messages to the listbot is denied. Unless a bomb gets
dropped on the listbot servers, you post will eventually
get here. If you send 2 posts by accident we will understand
you do not need to send a third e-mail telling everyone
your sorry. Examples off on topic posts are Seeking help
installing a product you intend to use with GCS, asking
for reviews, or simply giving reviews of programs that would
be good with the GCS. Even though these may seem off
topic they are not and are very welcome to the list.
Clause 3:
Treat everyone with respect and it will be returned to you.
If someone has an idea that you don't agree with, reply
nicely, and not in haste. Simply state your reason why
you feel something is something else.
Clause 4:
If someone sends you a message privately, and respond
it to the list you will be removed, no exceptions. What is
sent to you through private mail is between you and the
sender, it is your responceability to report them to your
ISP and there ISP, or to simply resolve the situation.
Clause 5:
If you send business ads, chain letters, buisness boosters
(explained better in next clause) file atachments, or
anything of the sort you will be removed. These are not
considered off topic posts so don't pleed with me when
I remove you if you break this rule. Its listed above in plain
Clause 6:
Buisness boosters. This may seem wierd but to prevent
out breaks, the only buisness boosters maybe for your
GCS created game, our your GCS related web site, art,
tools and models. But here is the tricky part, if it deals
with things such as a news letter or magaizne you intend
to sell that deals with things other then GCS such as;
dare I even dread its name "3D RAD" then forget it.
And so far thats it for rules. I will post these rules every first
of the month so no one will ever forget, and get tempted to post
something uncalled for.
These rules are subject to change, everyone will be notified when
these rule changes take place.
Kenneth Beard